緊急 Shake (E-Shake)

by TCC Inc.



This app is an app that notifies you of an emergency situation by pressing the power button on the device to turn on the screen display, then shaking the device to make an emergency sound and notification.Emergency sounds are played at the maximum volume of the device, regardless of the manner mode.Notifications will be made by calling the registered number or by sending GPS location information to the registered party via SMS or email.By shaking your device, you can notify the registered partner of your current location via regular phone call or SMS.Statement regarding privacy policy1. Name of app provider, etc.Name: TCC Co., Ltd.Homepage: http://www.tcccom.co.jpFor contact information, please refer to the contact information on the homepage.2. Items of information to be obtainedThe items and contents of user information acquired by this application are as follows.(1). Phone numberAcquires a phone number from the phonebook data.(2). Location informationAcquires location information measured by GPS equipment.(3). Sensor informationAcquires acceleration information etc. measured by sensor equipment.3. How to obtainThe method to obtain user information for this application is as follows.(1). Phone numberAcquires phone number information from the phonebook app launched by the user by tapping the notification registration area.(2). Location informationAfter the user enables the notification function, location information will be acquired after the screen display is turned on by pressing the power button on the device.(3). Sensor informationAfter the user enables the notification function or emergency sound output, sensor information will be acquired after the screen display is turned on by pressing the power button on the device.4. Purpose of useThis application does not acquire any user information for purposes other than providing services.The purpose of using user information of this application is as follows.(1). Phone numberThis is to use the services of the notification function of this application (calling, SMS sending, SMS subject, email subject).(2). Location informationThis is to use the notification function services of this app (SMS text, email text, history display).(3). Sensor informationThis is to use the notification function or emergency sound output service (Shake detection) of this application.